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Institutional Consulting Service


To contribute to effective education, therapy and rehabilitation by proposing appropriate teaching aids and optimal teaching/learning environment through specialized and customized consulting service
Welfare centers, development centers, therapy centers, special education schools or classes, office supporting special education, kindergartens, hospitals, universities, senior welfare centers and nursing homes
Develop and distribute high quality products suitable for education, therapy, and rehabilitation when setting the therapy rooms in the institutions and facilities for the disabled

The main story

자세한 사업내용
Relevant fields ■ therapy: Language, play, cognition, occupation, sensory integration, psychology, music, art, sand, snugellin, weekly protection center
■ Education: Assistive devices, assistive technology devices, special physical education tools, work tools, AAC; Augmentative and Alternative Communication
■ Rehabilitation: Physical therapy, physical training, underwater rehabilitation
Implementation ■ Inquiry → Consultation → Contract signing → Distribution → After-sales management
Past performance - 2014 : Dongtan With Children Development and Consultation Center and 15 others
- 2013 : Seoul Jung-Gu Disability Welfare Center and 6 others
- 2012 : KRA Siheung Horse-riding Healing Center and 5 others
- 2005~2011 : Kimpo Comprehensive Social Welfare Center and 29 others
Inquiries ■ Hyukmin Kwon l 070-8630-9672
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